[De-Facto "Election of PM of Bharat" by Citizens, thro' LS MPs]
*Inglish TuDe*
: 15.09.2024 :
with 1 Axar+50 Roman LeTTars.
KalcarD, raesonal & Eezi.
[Cultured, Rational & Easy]
** Di-FaekTo Elekson aof da Praaim MinisTar aof Indiaa, rrp 'rialli ruling parson'.
*Inglish TuDe* [Cultured, Rational & Easy].
15.9.2024: KalcarD, raesonal & Eezi.
[with 1 Axar+50 Roman LeTTars.]
>> JasT Speek da abov aon Google Voaayes sarc.
** Di-FaekTo "Elekson aof da PM aof Bhaarat", baai SiTizens thru LS MPs.
A refarenDom baai da SiTizens aof Bhaarat i.e. Indiaa: parfaomD naoT vans baT thraais in
2014, 2019 & 2024.
* da Work! No van, no leeDar, no KonsTicuenT KommiTTee, no PaarliaamenT kuD Deyar Tu Du in Indiaa, da Indian SiTizens did da sem demselvsa naoT vans buT thraais
in 2014! 2019!! 2024!!!
* da rizalT aof Indian siTizen's dis refarenDom shuD bi respekteD & ADaopTeD baai da PaarliaamenT, Exekyutiv aend Judisiaree.
* da MP SapporTig da PM, masT go Tu da SiTizens & ri-elekTeD in kes aof widrawing da sapporT.
[De-Facto "Election of the PM of Bhaarat", through LS MPs.
* A referandum by the Citizens of Bhaarat i.e. India: performed not once but thrice in
2014, 2019 & 2024.
The Work! no one, no leader, no Constituent Committee, no Parliament could dare to do in India, the Indian CiTizens did the same themselves not once but thrice in 2014! 2019!! 2024!!!
The result of Indian citizen's this referandum should be respected & Adopted by the Parliament, Executive and Judisiary.]
* No Ambedakar! da Ceyarmaen aof da "DraafTing KommiTTee", DeyarD Tu go agensT da wishes aof PM JL Nehru's MalTi PaarTi "PaarliaamenTari DemokraeTik Sistem aof Govarnens"!!
> RizalTing inTu DarTi paarTi PoliTiks aof me~k & brek, haorsa TreDing, DaairekTli braaibing in da ParliaamenT baai a leedar aof JhaarkhanD Tu mek PM aof hiz coaaes rezalTing inTu aol sorTs aof korrupsons faor da selfish ge~ns, aend
exTreemli puar re~T aof DevelaopmenT da Kantri!!!
[No Ambedakar, the Chairman of the Drafting Committee dared to go against the wishes of PM JL Nehru's Multi Paarty "Parliamentary System of Governance"!!
Resulting into dirty party politics of make & break, horse trading & een directly bribing in the Parliament by a leader of Jharkhand to make a PM of his choice resulting into all sorts of corruptions for the selfish gains and extreemly poor rate of the development of the country!!!
> Whaai did Indiaa aDaopT da DarTi PaarTi PoliTiks,
"PaarliaameTari Demokraesi" aof da WesTs?
Whaai naoT Janatantra, LD: "Linkonion Demokraesi"?
[Why did India adopt the dirty party politics, "Parliamentary Democracy" of the Wests?
Why not Janatantra, LD: "Lincolnion Democracy"?
>>> In 2014, 2019, 2024 "Wi da pipul aof Bhaarat / Indiaa", SiTizens aof Bhaarat sTaarTeD ElekTing aawar o~n "Praaim Ministar", rrp, "da rialli ruling parson" with full MejoriTi!!!
>> In a Develaoping kanTri laaik Bhaarat, da "SisTem aof PaarliaamenTari DemokraeTik Govarnensa" iz DeTrimenTal faor da kanTri!
Sinsa in dis, 5-STeps eheD & 4 sTeps bihaainD!
Som boDi Traaying Tu go ap, Develaop Bhaarata, baT 4, 5 parsons aar pulling him / har Daaun rijalTing inTu exTreemli slo aor no Progress!!
Aend dis haez haeppenD in Indiaa faor 65 yiar!
[In 2014, 2029, 2024 "We the people of Bhaarat/ India", Citizens of Bharat stated electing our own "Prime Minister", rrp, "the rially ruling person" with full majority!!!
In a deeloping country like Bharat, the "System of Parliamentary of Goernance" iz detrimental for the country! Since in this, 5-Steps ahaid & 4-Steps behind!
Some body traying to go up, Develaop Bhaarata, baT 4, 5 parsons aar pulling him / har Daaun rijalTing inTu exTreemli slo aor no Progress aetaol!!
Som boDi Traaying Tu go ap, develop Bharat, but 4, 5 persons are pulling him / her down, resulting into extremely slow or no Progress atall!!
Aend dis haez haeppenD in Indiaa faor 65 Yiars!]
>> SiTizens aof Bhaarat nallifaaeD da "PaarliaamenTari Demokraesi" sinsa 2014:
> Sinsa 2014 da SiTizens aof Bhaarat haev sTaarTeD ElekTing deyar o~n PM, rrp, hu iz Tu bi DikliyarD aez a KaenTiDeT faor PM well bifor voTing! so daeT da VoTar No well hu iz guing Tu bi da PM, rrp, akkoDing Tu har / hiz covaaes.
[Citizens of bhaat nallified da "PaarliamenTari Demokresi" since 2014:
Sinsa 2014 thye citizens of Bharat have started electing their own PM , rrp, who is to be declared as a candidate for PM well before Voting! so that the voterr know well who is going to be the PM, rrp akkording to her /his choise.]
* "PaarliaamenTari Demokraesi" in Indiaa waaz / iz a BloT aon Janatantra, LD: "Linkonion Demokraesi" / [Lincolnion Democracy] da laeTTar biing in vo~g in YSA, Rassiaa, Fraansa, ... .
["Parliamentary Democracy" in India was / is a blot on Janatantra, LD: "Lincolnion Democracy" the latter being in vog in USA, Russia, France.]
Inglish TuDe 15.09.2024.
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