Monday, September 11, 2023

[Thanks to People, Google, Bing, ...] "21sT Sencuri Inglish" => 'Inglish' 08.03.2020 / 12.09.2023


[Thanks to People, Google, Bing, ...]

"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => 'Inglish'  

08.03.2020 / 12.09.2023

. [Modern English Rational & Scientific / Inglish raesonal & Yunivarsal] 

* da YangesT Laenguej aof da WorlD iz:

 "Inglish" with 1+50 Romon LeTTars.

Barth: 09.07.2018 KE, / 

KE: Kaomman Eraa.

 JasT ovar 5 yr yang.   

Nambar aof Yuzars: Billions EsTimeTeD.

Eriyaa: World WaaiD.

[bho: Sansaar ke naveenatam Bhaazaa : "Inglish", 50 khaas Axaran ke saath.

Janma din: 09.07.2018 KE, 2 / 4 Baris ke baalaa. 

Prayoga kare waalan ke sankhyaa: karoRo.

Xetra: Adhikaansa Amerikaa, Esiaa aa Yurop

Saahitya: "English" jaisan.] /

[Chalange to Universities

In 2018 CE Chalange were thrown to many Universities to  farther develop, adopt and promote 'Inglish'  for development aof da 1500 / 1600 yr old 'English' language.

So far nothing has been heard in this respect. 

They are once again requested for the same.]

 TuDe da riprinT aof: 'Inglish raesonal' with maainar moDifikesans aof:

25 Julaai 2018

'MoDarn 21sT Sencuri Inglish SaainTifik': => ‘Inglish’.

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:

"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.

"21sT Sencuri Inglish has 51 LeTTars": nik-nemD as 'Inglish' > LiTTl biT auf 'Sanskrit' aend ‘Saains’ 

=> ‘Inglish’

Bi haebeecual aof 'Inglish' = '21sT Sencuri Inglish' .

[Be habitual of '21st Century English' = 'Inglish', hence-forth, which is well read by Google, Bing, ... in place of 

15th-16th Century irrational, unscientific 'English' 

Commonly used presently].

Yuz Inglish in place of  English. 

[English has 50 Letters: Yes, True, they are not named properly, neither are they used properly.

Since last 1500 yr to 1600 yr life of English, this remained so. 

No body worried. Linguists kept on teaching: 

“English has 26 letters". 

Students also followed the teachers and learn like a parrot: 

“English has 26 Letters.” 

However, look and count yourself how many letters / distinct symbols English has:

a b c d e  

f g h i j

 k l m n o

 p q r s t

 u v w x y 

> All these 26 Symbols are named, but not used properly, rationally in 

'Old / Common English'. 


A B D E F 

G H I J K 

L M N P Q 


 X Y Z 

> These 23 symbols / letters are not even named properly in English, neither used properly, rationally, scientifically.

Thus, in all there are 26 so called Capital + 26 small = 52 letters or 

Maximum 26+24 = 50 Letters if one could count well.

No teachers, no Professors, no linguists have tried to observe: 

“English has 50 distinct Letters / Symbols, but only 26 of them are named, the rests are not even named and used properly, effectively.”  

Now you may look at the Modern 

“21st Century English” => Nick named as 'Inglish']:

MoDarn ‘21st Sencuri Inglish’ raesanal:

MoDarn 21sT Sencuri ‘Inglish’, raesanal haez 50 Latino - Romon leTTars whic aar yuzD raesonalli, aez biing riTTen hiyar, whic neeD no avoiDebla ‘TraansliTaresan’, ["Transliteration"]. 

Du yu No, "Inglish haej 50 leTTars, aol aof whic aar utilaaizD proparli, raesanalli in MoDarn “TwenTi FarsT Sencuri Inglish” / "21sT Sencuri Inglish" => "Inglish”, raesanal, 

anlaaik "English' in whic wards aar wriTTen irraesanalli and mosT an-saainTifikalli, aez aol No naau.

*** Naau aez yu me bi Noing, “Inglish" waaz baorn aon 09.07.2018 KE: 

Fraom da wumb aof da Madar aof mosT laenguejez: ‘Sanskrit’, with da narsing aof 1600-1800 Yiar old 'Bhojpuri Language'. 

['Inglish' was born on 09.07.2018 CE with 1+ 50 Latino-Romon symbols, letters using rassanalli, from the womb of the Mother of most Languages: ‘Sanskrit’, with narshing of 1600-1800 old 

"Bhojpuri Language".]

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:

"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.


 "21sT Sencuri Inglish" haeD caellenjD da Taop UnivarsiTeez abaauT three / fo~r yiars ago,  aend agen Tu aDopT  da "Challenge of Promoting: Inglish" Tu mek "English" raessanal  & izi, so aez Tu geT riD aof da avoaaeDebla larning baai roT 1000s aof 'spellings' aend larning da avoaaedebla 'Transliteration'.   

[Hope the progressive rational Universities accept the Challenge.]


Haauevar, pipul thruaauT da WorlD aend Sarc Enjins laaik Google, Bing, ... haev vigarasli sTaarTeD yuzing "Inglish" sinsa laasT fiu yiars faor whic:

 Dr Deva Datta Sharmaa [Dr Deo Dutta Sharma / Dr DD Sharma] 

Thaenks dem aon bihaaf aof:- 

  "Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam" in 106th yiar aof iTs pablikeson;

"Internasonal Bhojpuri eSkool"


21sT Sencuri Inglish 08.03.2020 / 12.09.2023

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