"The Most Abused MaeTerial > Shaaining on PM Modi".
11.02.2023 KE. [Sri: 06.12.9122].
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: Sam Spesal Niuz:
"The Most Abused MaeTerial > Shaaining on PM Modi".
"da Most AbyzD MaeTerial > Shaaining aon PM Modi":
PM Narendra Modi BlessD PlaasTik.
Whic adarawaaiz waaz da
"MosT AbyoozD MaeTerial":
YesTarDe PM Modi wenT Tu Paarliaament wiyaring a JaekeT me~D aof abaaut 35-40 PlaasTik BoTls risaakilD aend kanvarTeD Tu Poliistar aaftar blenDing with KaoTTon.
Kaen eni van think, da JakeT whaaT PM Modi waaz wiyaring & shaaining waaz 38 Discarded PlaasTik BoTls.
PM Modi, naoT onli wiyaring a JakeT meD aof PlaasTik, whic adarwaaz waas da MosT AbyoozD Material,
BaT naau da se~m PlaasTik iz shaaning laaik DaayamonD aon PM Modi.
* MosT AbyoozD MaeTerial: Aen exTraekT fraom 17.12.2022:
Hiyar MaTerial meens eni thing yuzful.
1. Yuz & thro veraaiTi tin aor kaen
2. SigareTT.
3. Baol Pen
4. Faor sam KamyuniTi > LeDeez, [Ledies]
Yuz da LeDeez & thro baai Daaivors eni van aof da meni.
5. PlaasTik [Plastic]
Hensa forth wi will paarTikularli Taak aon "PlaasTik".
WhaaTevar wi yuz TuDe in aawar De Tu De laaif fully aor paarTli aar meD aof sam Taaip aof PlaasTik.
> Bi iT a kloding, Ambrellaa, BeD, Kaar, EarPlen, Trens, Metro-rels, Ceyar, Tebla, ... yu No, naau mosT aof dem are paarsialli aor fulli meD aof sam veraaiTi aof plaastik.
>> Biing da laaiTesT & da ceepesT van, plaasTik iz vigerasli biing yuzD faor paekejings: Polithene kaerri-bags, milk pauc, waTar-Bottls.
** da MosT AbyoozD MaeTTarial: PlaasTik
Maen yuzes nyumaras maeTerials sinsa Taaim immemorial provaaiDing dem Diu respekT, bi iT svaael, SaenD, waaTar, plaanTs, graas, Treez, sTo~n, milk, Dang, honi, flaawars, fruTs, leevs, srabs, aend meni odar necaral things.
In aeDDison de sTaarTeD yuzing Faayar faor kooking food, faor heeTing, barning faor Dispozal eTs.
> LeTar Maen meD MeTals laaik Kaoppar, Silvar, GolD, Zink eTs baai exTraeksons fraom respekTiv O~rs baai heeting process.
>S/hi sTaarTeD growing kraops aon da mvaaesT svaael.
BilDing Haases aof artha, STre, wooD eTs.
... ... ...
> Baai 19th / 20th Sencuri S/hi, de meD laoTs aof DevelaopmenTs in vaerias filDs invenTing so~ps, DiTarjenTs, plaasTiks, ships, kaars, Trens, plens, SaeTTelaaiTs, RaokeTs, AeTom Bombs aend whaaT naoT.
>> AauT aof aol deez veraaiTeez aof plaasTiks aar DevelaopD inkluDing faaibra-glaas. PlaasTiks mosTli riplesD sTeel, glaas, meni meTals, clods eTs.
PlaasTik iz laaiT, non-DigreDebla, Dyurebla in moDareT Temparecar.
PlaasTiks aar yuzD fraom klods Tu ro~ps, farnicar Tu kaTlareez, plaasTik Tyubs aar in yuz in Drens, waaTar saplaai, insletars eTs.
TuDe in 21sT. Sencuri WorlD PlaasTiks aar van aof da mosT yuzful Maen-MeD maeterial.
>>> Haauevar, pipul misyz aend abyuz PlaasTiks whic iz sarving da MaenKaainD Tu iTs level besT.
LeT as see da Spesifik Tensaail Strenth aof PlaasTik & STeel aend see haau iT kampeyars with STeel:
ProparTi PlaasTiks: STeel:
Tensaail Strenth 15 Tu 55 MPa 800 Tu 2700 MaPa
DensiTi g/cc. 0.92 Tu 0.95. 7.8 Tu 8
Sp. Ten. STrenth 16 Tu 60 MPa/g/cc 100 Tu 340
Praais 50 Da Paaip R9/m R 14140/m
Sp. Praais R/m R144 Tu 540/m R 1414000/m
>> das iT iz no~Twordi daet mass & kosTwaaiz, PlaasTik iz abaauT 2500 Taaims ceepar kampeyaDvTu sTeel.
>>> A poar van iz aolwez abyoozD!!
PlaasTik iz da Saffarar aof da sem SinDrom!!!
** Yukren Laaiks Tu Go with Daons [Dons], iven aeT da kaosT aof da Waar with da Rushi desh, sapported baai da Daons!!!
NATO, 30 Daons appiyar Tu saffar hevili with dis sapporTs, look shaorT aof aarms & Enarji in dis WinTar & da rizalTing inflaeson.
** da GreT Yurop Waar:
** Amerikaa & da "FaaiTar Grup NATO"
kansisTing aof 30 kanTreez sapporTing Yukren PresiDenT Zelenski hu wishD Tu joaaen NATO, aon van saaiD
1 KanTri Rus / Rushidesh, / Rassiaa aon da adar saaiD, naau sapporTeD baai Iraan, Siriyaa, Naorth Koriaa
> aar aon Waar sinsa laasT ovar 11 Months in
"Yukren [Ukraine] aez da BaeTla-FilD".
> USSR libareTeD "EesT Jarmani" whic yunaaiTeD with da WesT Jarmani, iven da Barlin Waal waaz broken. <>
Aon da adar haenD, Amerikaa iven aafTar 77 yiars aof 2nD. WW iz keeping deyar Forses in Jaapaan & Jarmani, aend in SaauTh Koriaa aaftar 72 yiars aof Koriyaa Waar.
>>>> dis iz da Diffarensa biTween
da EesT aend da WesT!!!,
Maanava, Man & Daanava, Daon.
** ऋषि देश: "PresiDent Putin's Dekri"
10.11.2022 KE.
da EesT <> da WesT,
Maen, Maanava <> Daon, daanava.
** Yukren NATO Waar => 3rD WW:
> Putin: Yukren Joaayaning NATO => 3rD WW.
*** Indiaa Launces Aoffisial WebsaaiT & theem aof SKO 2023:
[India Launches Official Website And Theme of SCO 2023:
India has launched the official website of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) as it will host the next SCO summit as a chairman of organisation in 2023.
November 21st, 2022
India has launched the official website of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) as it will host the next SCO summit as a chairman of organisation in 2023. The website highlights the events that will be undertaken under the chairmanship of India.
Table of Contents
Theme Of The Event:
About The SCO Presidency:
Significance of India’s Presidency:
Theme Of The Event:
The theme of the event" “For a SECURE SCO”.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had floated the concept of SECURE at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in China in 2018. Explaining the "SECURE concept", the Prime Minister said
‘S’ for security for citizens,
‘E’ for economic development,
‘C’ for connectivity in the region,
‘U’ for unity,
‘R’ for respect of sovereignty and integrity, and
‘E for environment protection.
About The SCO Presidency:
India received the SCO rotating presidency in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. India will hold the presidency of the grouping for a year until September 2023.
Russian President Vladimir Putin extended his good wishes to India for hosting the 23rd edition of the summit next year. Apart from Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping also congratulated India on assuming the presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) for 2023. “We will support India for its presidency next year,” Jinping stated at SCO Summit in Uzbekistan. Notably, India took over the rotating annual chairmanship of the SCO, from Uzbekistan.]
Signifikensa aof Indiaa's PresiDensi aof SKO:
[Significance of India’s Presidency of SCO:
Until September 2023, India would be the President of the SCO. This rotational presidency is significant for India for three major reasons.
First, from a regional perspective, amidst the tensions over the Sino-Indian border and politically unstable neighbourhood, being the first South Asian country host of SCO, how India would project itself would be significant for the region.
Second, from a geopolitical perspective, New Delhi could be seen renewing its policy towards Central Asia which also implies a change in understanding of the extended territorial neighbourhood. Consequently, the upcoming presidency would be significant for New Delhi’s reach toward Central Asian countries.
Third, the SCO presidency is preceded by India’s non-permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council and would be followed by India hosting the G-20 summit. Thus, the tenure will reflect any continuity or change in New Delhi’s understanding of multilateralism and its behaviour in international and regional organisations.... ]
** Hu Reed 'Inglish' Maeximam?
Taop 5 KanTreez:
1. Rassiaa
2. Indiaa
3. YSA
4. Jarmani
5. Singaapur,
6. Polaend.
7. Sweden.
8. Austreliaa,
9. Fraansa,
10. YK,
11. Nadarlaend,
12. taiwaan,
14. Braazl
15. Spen
Hong Kong
Inglish 11.02.2023 KE
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