Heliam Gaes aa Drav. [Helium Gas & Liquid]
'Inglish' 27.06.2021.
["21st. Century English": Inglish, the Rational one.]
[Inglish: "Modern English Rational: Well understood by Google.]
MoDarn Inglish Raesanal: Well AnDarstooD baai Google.
No Traansliteresan neeDeD. [Transliteration is fully avoidable.]
* da YangesT Laenguej aof da WarlD: "Inglish" haez
50 DisTingT LeTTars aez shon aon 15.01.2021.
Barth: 09.07.2018 KE: Kaomman Eraa,
SrisTyaabda: 9118 ebaauT 2.75 yr yang.
Nambar aof Yuzars: ovar 10000.
Eriyaa: MosTli in Amerikaa, Eshiaa aend Yurop.
LiTarecar: Laaik "English",
SkripT: LaeTino-Roman yuzing aol da 50 LeTTars DisTingTli.
Faollowars: Google, Meni adars.
'21sT Sencuri Inglish': => ‘Inglish’.
Bi haebeecual aof 'Inglish' = '21sT Sencuri Inglish' .
[Be habitual of '21st Century English' = 'Inglish', hence-forth, which is well read by Google, in place of
15th-16th Century irrational 'English'
Commonly used presently whic neeD:
1. Larning baai roT innyumarebl spelings aof da warDs.
2. AvoaaeDebl 'TranmsliTaresans'.
3. Biing raesanal, Inglish iz reD, larnT eezili.
U~z Inglish in place of old English.
“English has 50 distinct Letters / Symbols, but only 26 of them are named, the rests are not even named and not used properly, efficiently and scientifically.”
[Now you may look at the Modern
“21st Century English” => Nick named as: 'Inglish'.
For more, please go to the blogs mensioned herein.]:
‘21st Sencuri Inglish’ iz raesanal das eezi Tu Larn:
MoDarn 21st Sencuri ‘Inglish’, raesanal & SaainTifik haez 50 leTTars whic aar yuzD raesanalli aend veri saainTifikalli, aez biing riTTen hiyar, whic neeD no avoiDebl
‘TraansliTaresan’, ["Transliteration"].
Du yu no, "Inglish haej 50 leTTars, aol aof whic aar uTilaaizd praoparli. raesanalli aend saanTifikalli in MoDarn
“TwenTi FarsT Sencuri Inglish” / "21sT Sencuri Inglish"
> "Inglish”, raessanal aend saainTifik, aor simpli "Inglish" in shaorT, anlaaik da old "English' aor “Common English” in whic wards aar wriTTen irraesanalli and mosT an-saainTifikally, aez aol no.
*** Naau aez yu me bi noing, “Inglish" waaz baorn aon
09.07.2018 KE: ‘Kaomman Eraa’ >
Fraom da wumb aof da Madar aof mosT laenguejez: ‘Sanskrit’, with da narsing aof 1500-1800 Yiar old 'Bhojpuri Language'.
["Modern English" => 'Inglish' was born on 09.07.2018 CE with 49 - 50 Roman, Latin symbles,
letters using, rassanaly and scientifically, from the womb of the Mother of most Languages: ‘Sanskrit’, with nurshing of 1600-1800 old
"Bhojpuri Language'. ]
[Liquefaction of Helium Gas]
Likwifaexan aof Heliam Gaes:
Heliam, 1s2 iz da laaiTesT gaes, nexT onli Tu Haaidrozen gas.
MelTing PoaaenT 0.95 K aor -272.20 C aeT 2.5 Mpa.
Boaaling PoaaenT 4.222 K aor – 268..928 C
DensiTi Gaes aet STP 0.1786 kg/kL
DensiTi Likw. aet BP 0.125 g/cc
KriTikal PT. 5.1953 K aeT 0.2275 Mpa
HeeT aof Veparaaizesan 0.0829 kJ/mol
Diskaovari 1868 KE PJ Naormaen Lokkiyar [Pierre JanssenNorman Lockyer]
Aaisolesan 1895 KE W. Ramse [W. Ramsay], PT Kleev [PT Cleve], Abraaham Langet [Abraham.
AaisoTops 3He 0.0002%, 4He 99.9998%
Akkarensa In 1905 laarj Heliam rijarvs weyar faaunD in Necural Gaes filDs in YSA.
Fraom L-PaarTikls (He-4) emaeneTeD fraom reDio-aektiv Dikes in whic iz TrepD apTu 6-7% v/v in N-gaes maainD.
LikwiD Heliam yuzes In Kraayojeniks faor kooling aof SuparkanDukTing maegneTs.
In MRI Skaennars.
Likwifaeksan 10.07.1908 baai Dac FizisisT Heike Kaemerlingh Onnes aeT YunivarsiTi aof LeiDen, Nadarlaend.
Auru baa KanTiniuD.
21sT. Sencuri Inglish 27.06.2021
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