Thursday, October 3, 2019

Hu iz da KalpriT? [Who is the Culprit?] “21sT Sencuri Inglish” 02.10.2019

Hu iz da KalpriT? [Who is the Culprit?]
“21sT Sencuri Inglish” 02.10.2019
'Inglish': raesnal & saainTifik.
 [In place of old 'English']
[old English: irrational, spellings learning by rot, transliteration needed]

TuDe aon 02.10.2019, aai aem ovar 1 yiar olD aend veri haeppi Tu Selibre~T 150th Barth De aof Baapu, Sanaatanaarya Mohandaas Karamcand Gaandhi
da gre~T Gre~T Mahaatmaa, raajarzi, aen AposTla aof
“Truth, Nan-voaaelens aend Pees”
LovD aend Traaing Tu faollo him baai Billions aon dis PlaeneT, da Arth .

[Wednesday, 19 July 2018
“21sT Sencuri Inglish”, the modern rational ‘English’, scientific was born on 09.07.2018 in the NCR Delhi from the womb of the mother of most languages ‘Sanskrit’ through ‘AntarraasTreey Global Bhojpuri eSkool’: 'अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल' in the 6th year of Establishment.
"Modern English Scientific" => “21sT Sencuri Inglish” => Inglish.]
Hu iz da KalpriT? [Who is the Culprit?]
We~T Till Tumaorro.

da e~m aof "21sT Sencuri Inglish":
"Enhensing da naolej widaauT sTikking Tu da kanvensanal methoDolaojiz, faor da gooD aof aol: irrespekTiv aof Traaibs, ethnisiTi, relijan, kantri aor PlaaneT aof orijin.
[The aim of "21st Century Inglish":
“Enhancing the knowledge without sticking to the conventional methodologies, for the good of all: irrespective of tribes, ethnicity, religions, country or planet of origin".]       
Look aeT da ne~ms aof da Week: [Look at the names of the days of the week:]    
SanDe [Sanday]        MonDe [Monday]     TyusDe [Tusday]     
WeDnesDe [Wednesday]    tharsDe [Thursday]  FraaiDe [Friday]     
SaeTarDe [Saturday].
 Yor viuz aar welkom [Your views are welcome.]

   da EnD    [The End]
“21sT Sencuri Inglish” 02.10.2019

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