“21sT Sencuri
Inglish” 20.09.2019
'Inglish': raesnal &
[old English: irrational,
spellings learning by rot, transliteration needed]
WeDnesDe, 20 Julaai 2019
“21sT Sencuri Inglish”, da moDarn
raesnal ‘Inglish’, saanTifik waaz baorn aon 09.07.2018 in da NCR Delhi fraom da
womb aof da madar aof mosT laenguejez: 'Sanskrit’, with da help aof
"Mitram Sanskrit dainikam", मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्
in iTs 2nD Sencuri aof pablikesan aend
"AntarraasTreey Global Bhojpuri eSkool":
"अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल".
[Wednesday, 19 July 2018
“21sT Sencuri Inglish”, the modern
rational ‘English’, scientific was born on 09.07.2018 in the NCR Delhi from the
womb of the mother of most languages ‘Sanskrit’ through ‘AntarraasTreey Global
Bhojpuri’: 'अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल
भोजपुरी इस्कूल' in the 6th
year of Establishment.
"Modern English
Scientific" => “21sT Sencuri
खास बात Khaas Baat:
Spesal Taak: [Special Talk]:
Look, a veri
fanDaamenTal kvescan eraaijez: "Whaai da hell, AntarraasTreey Global Bhojpuri eSkool”, “अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल”
shuD promoT da aaiDiaa aof Develauping "21sT Sencuri Inglish”, raesnal &
[Look, a very
fundamental question arises: "Why the hell, AntarraasTreey Global Bhojpuri eSkool: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल
should promote the idea of Developing
"21sT Sencuri Inglish” saainTifik'".]
Da aenswar iz veri
simpl, da e~m auf AntarraasTreey Global Bhojpuri eSkool, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल
iz Tu Develop samthing niu raesanal & SaainTifik faor da gooD auf aol, nauT
sTikking Tu da TraeDisanal ruT.
[The answer is very
simple, the aim of AntarraasTreey Global
Bhojpuri eSkool: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय
ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल is to Develop something new,
rational & scientific for the good
of all, not sticking to the traditional route.]
AnD daeT iz whaai, > InTarnesanal
global Bhojpuri eSkool, aend Aenglo-Sanskrit "Mitram" eSamaacaar Patram >
following da e~ms auf "Intarnasanal Bhojpuri
eSkool" iz nauTveri haeppi Tu faainD
[And that is why, > International Bhojpuri eSkool > Anglo-Sanskrit 'Mitram"
eSamaacaar Patram > following the aims of the "International Bhojpuri
eSkool" is not very happy to find >>
1. Inglish Taaimlaain: fraom a WesT Saxan DialekT
Tu a Global Laenguej, Arli moDarn Inglish [1500 c - 1800 c] i.e. ebaauT 500
yiar olD, baT iT rime~ns ToTally irraesenal, anDar-DevelopD, klumji, aend
[English Timeline: from a West Saxson dialect to a Global Language, Early modern
English [500 c-800 c] i.e. about 1500 year old. but it remains totally
irrational, under-developed, clumzy, unscientific.
2. Bhojpuri iz ebauT 1500 - 1800 yiar olD, TriklD
from Sanskrit: da madar auf mosT laenguejez.
Sanskrit - Bhojpuri - Inglish kam in da se~m
laenguej grup.
[Bhojpuri is about 1500 -1800 year old, tricled
from Sanskrit: The Mother of most Languages. Sanskrit - Bhojpuri - English come
in the same language group.]
3. When 'Bhojpuri aend Sanskrit' kaen well bi riTTen in 'LaeTin / Roman' skripTs
karrekTli, naasli aend raesanalli; haau kaennaoT 'English' bi riTTen
raesanalli aend saainTifikalli.
[When 'Bhojpuri and Sanskrit' can well be written
in 'Latin / Roman' scripts correctly, nicely and scientifically; how cannot
English be written rationally and scientifically]
4. Faor DevelopmenT, iT iz nesessari Tu geT riD
aof da e~j olD irraesanal, ansaainTifik TraeDeesans Tu rileev da niu jenaresans
Tu larn baai roT '1000s aof spellings, aend go faor avoaaDebla 'Translitaresans', ... eTc.
[For development, it is necessary to get rid of
the age old irrational, unscientific traditions, to relieve the new generations
to learn 'spellings', and go for avoidable 'transliterations', ... etc.]
5. Naau wi aar niaring da 1sT kwaaTar aof da 21sT
KansiDaring da ebav, aend adar faekTars:
Dr Pt Deva Datta Sharmaa / "Dr D D Sharma" inTroDyusD "21sT
Sencuri Inglish" aon 09.07.2018 thru blogs aon >>
1. "Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam" orijinalli eDiTeD aend
pablisheD baai "Achaarya Pandit Ambika Datta Sharma" / Aacaarya Pt. Ambikaa datta Sharmaa in 1919 CE.
2. "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool", "अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल
भोजपुरी इस्कूल"
on Sri: 23.07.9112.
3. "TwenTi FarsT Sencuri English" =>
'Inglish', baorn, sTaarTeD on 09.07.2018 KE
[Now, we are nearing the 1st quarter of the 21st
Considering the above, and other factors:
Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma introduced "21st
Century English" => 'Inglish', rational & scientific on 09.07.2018
through blogs on >>
1. "Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam"
originally edited and published by Acharya Pandit Ambika Datta Sharma in 1919
2. "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल"
established on Sri: 23.07.9112.
3. "Twenty First
Century English" =>
'Inglish', born, started on 09.07.2018 CE
Haauevar, yu haev Tu
forget daeT 'English . Roman' haez onli 26 leTTars. da Truth iz, jasT laaik
'Devanaagari', Roman haez ebaauT 50 leTTars / Simbls, whic aar naoT proparli,
raesanalli, saanTifikalli yuzD aor even nemD.
Tu Du dis, pleez go
Tu da ebav posTs.
[However, you have
to forget that English / Roman has only 26 letters. The truth is juat like
Devanagari, Roman has about 50 letters / Symbols, which are not properly,
rationally, scientifically utilized, or even named.
To do this, please
go the above posts.]
** Look this in
"21st Century English" below:
Look dis in
"21sT Sencuri Inglish":
** In bho:
"Sanaatanaarya sab ceejan ke, sajeev aa nirjeev ke kalyaan so`celan".
looks good for all beings, living or non-living."]
Sanaatanaarya looks
gooD faur aul biings, living aur nan-living.
> dis iz in
"21sT Sencuri Inglish".
Aul skools aenD
Kaulejez shuD sTaarT Teecing and Developing dis "21sT Sencuri
Inglish" raesnal & saainTifik",
in ples auf da mosT
ansaainTifik prezenT "Kaumman English".
looks good to all beings: Living or non-living."
worship virus, ants to elephants, grass to Baniyan trees, stones to Mountains,
one and all who look
good to all.
Now read the above
"21st Century
English", scientific" as below]:
looks gooD Tu aull biings: Living aor nan-living. "Sanaatanaaryaas worship
vaairas, aenTs Tu elifaenTs, graas Tu Baeniyan trees, sTo~ns tu MaaunTens, van
aenD aull
hu look good to aull.
Dis iz "MoDarn
Inglish SaainTifik".
** {Veda ke Cintan}:
Ethiks aof Vedaaz, [Ethics of Vedas]:
San: “ ...
'Sarvezaam aadaram' VedaSiddhaanta:, Sanaatanaaryaa: manyante. "
{bho: ... 'Sab ke
aadar': Veda ke Siddhaant, je Sanaatanaarya log maanelan.}
"RespekT faor aol": da DaokTrin aof Vedaaz, faolowD baai
en ['Respect for
all': the Doctrine of Vedas, followed by Sanatanaryas.]
'Sanaatanaary' log
sab ceejan, sajeev aa nirjeev, sab ke kalyaan caahelan.
Sanaatanaarya looks
gooD faor aol biings, living aor
[A 'Sanatanarya'
looks good for all beings, living or non-living.]
Rauaa logan ke
sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your comments are welcome]
eSkool ke
Praacaarya: devadoot S.
Auru baat khaatir
30.7.2014 ke Post dekhee`.
[The Principal of
eSkool: devadoot S. Email: devadoot05@gmail.com
For other details
one may go to post dated: 30.07.2014 AD]
KanTiniuD: Continued.
da e~m aof
"21sT Sencuri Inglish":
"Enhensing da
naolej widaauT sTikking Tu da kanvensanal methoDolaojiz,faor da gooD aof aol:
irrespekTiv aof Traaibs, ethnisiTi, relijan, kantri aor PlaaneT aof orijin.
[The aim of "21st
Century Inglish":
“Enhancing the
knowledge without sticking to the conventional methodologies, for the good of
all: irrespective of tribes, ethnicity, religions, country or planet of
Yor viuz aar welkom [Your views are
EnD [The End]
21sT Sencuri Inglish 20.09.2019
SanDe MonDe TyusDe
WeDnesDe tharsDe FraaiDe SaeTarDe
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