Monday, March 8, 2021

"21st. Century English" => ['Inglish' with 50 LeTTars] 08.03.2021.

 "21st. Century English" => 

['Inglish' with 50 LeTTars]  


. [Inglish: "Modern English Rational: Well understood by Google.] 

MoDarn Inglish Raesanal: Well AnDarstooD baai Google.

No Traansliteresan neeDeD. [Transliteration is fully avoidable.] 

* da YangesT Laenguej aof da WarlD: "Inglish" haez 

50 DisTingT LeTTars aez on 15.01.2021.

Barth: 09.07.2018 KE: Kaomman Eraa,  

Sri: 9118  ebaauT 2.75 yr yang.   

Nambar aof Yuzars: ovar 10000.

Eriyaa: MosTli in Amerikaa, Eshiaa aend Yurop.

LiTarecar: Laaik "English",

SkripT: LaeTino-Roman yuzing aol  da 50 LeTTars DisTingTli.

'21sT Sencuri Inglish': => ‘Inglish’.

Bi haebeecual aof 'Inglish' = '21sT Sencuri Inglish' .

[Be habitual of '21st Century English' = 'Inglish', hence-forth, which is well read by Google, in place of 

15th-16th Century irrational, unscientific old 'English' 

Commonly used presently].

U~z Inglish in place of old English. 

“English has 50 distinct Letters / Symbols, but only 26 of them are named, the rests are not even named and used properly, efficiently and scientifically.”  

Now you may look at the Modern 

“21st Century English” Scientific => Nick named as 'Inglish'.

For more, please go to the bolgs mensioned herein.]:

‘21st Sencuri Inglish’ iz raesanal & SaainTifik:

MoDarn 21st Sencuri ‘Inglish’, raesanal  & SaainTifik haez 50 leTTars whic aar yuzD raesanalli aend veri saainTifikalli, aez biing riTTen hiyar, whic neeD no avoiDebl 

‘TraansliTaresan’, ["Transliteration"]. 

Du yu no, "Inglish haej 50 leTTars, aol aof whic aar uTilaaizd praoparli. raesanalli aend saanTifikalli in MoDarn 

“TwenTi FarsT Sencuri Inglish” / "21sT Sencuri Inglish" 

> "Inglish”, raessanal aend saainTifik, aor simpli "Inglish" in shaorT, anlaaik da old "English' aor “Common English” in whic wards aar wriTTen irraesanalli and mosT an-saainTifikally, aez aol no.

*** Naau aez yu me bi noing,  “Inglish" waaz baorn aon 09.07.2018 KE: "Kaomman Eraa" >

Fraom da wumb aof da Madar aof mosT laenguejez: ‘Sanskrit’, with da narsing aof 1600-1800 Yiar old 'Bhojpuri Language'. 

["Modern English" => 'Inglish' was born on 09.07.2018 CE with 49 - 50 Roman, Latin symbles, 

letters using, rassanaly and scientifically, from the womb of the Mother of most Languages: ‘Sanskrit’, with nurshing of 1600-1800 old 

"Bhojpuri Language'. ]

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:

"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.

 >> Failed, no response.]

21sT. Sencuri Inglish 07.03.2021

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Evolution of Human on the Earth: "21st. Century English" => ['Inglish' with 50 LeTTars] 07.03.2021.

 Evolyusan aof Hyuman aon da Arth:

"21st. Century English" => 

['Inglish' with 50+1 LeTTars]  


. [Inglish: "21st.Century English": rational and well understood by Google.] 

Inglish: "21sT. Sencuri Inglish": raesanal & well anDarstooD baai Google.

* da YangesT Laenguej aof da WarlD: "Inglish" haez 

50+1 DisTingT LeTTars.

Barth: 09.07.2018 KE: Kaomman Eraa,  

Sri:  9118  ebaauT 3 yr yang.   

Nambar aof Yuzars: ovar 10000.

Eriyaa: MosTli in Amerikaa, Eshiaa aend Yurop.

LiTarecar: Laaik "English",

SkripT: LaeTino-Roman yuzing aol  da 50 LeTTars DisTingTli.

Evolyusan & Groth aof Hyuman-biing aon da Arth:

Irrespektiv aof hu has TolD whaat ebaauT  da Evolyusan & Groth aof Hyuman-biing aon da Arth:

Wi shael kansiDar onli SaainTifik basis ebaauT dis praaim sabjekT. 

1. Orijinalli da Arth waaz veri haoT 4.35 G yr ego.

2. Grajualli da Arth sTaarTed kooling Diu Tu da laoss ao heeT inTu da spes, baT shi gaoT a kaovar aof aTmosfeyar eraaunD har. 

3. Faormesan aof waaTar aon da sarfes aof da Arth waaz aen impaorTenT maeTTar; whic gaT kallekTeD aon lo sarfeses faorming Seez & Osans with TarbulenT moaaest winDs, faolloD baai storms, rens eTs.

> Saauth Polar reejan rimend hoTTar Diu Tu haai-laenD, baT Naorth Polar reejan goT koolD arliyar, inkluding da LanD eriyaaz eraaund iT. Aon da adar haenD, da EkwiTorial zo~n rimenD mac haoT.

4. Farst living biing paossibli in da faorm aof fungi / baekTeriyaa evolvD aon da LaenD, baai da saaid aof kool waatar evolvD in "SrizTyaabda 0",  TuDe biing "SrizTyaabda 1 972 949 120' Yr [ Ref. Rigveda, Pez -1.].     

Diu Tu FoToSinthesis eTs,  da LaenD eraaunD da Naorth Pol  gaoT greenar: aez GreenlaenD, Alaaskaa, SkaenDineviyan Kantreez, Rushi-area. 

5.  In ko~rs aof Taaim, in da sem zon, riprezenTeTiv 'Dasaawataar'  sTaarTed (dasaavataar in shorT, 84 Awataars more elaeboreTeD, ...) 

Hyuman-biing das evolvD in da "AarkTik Sarkil",  [Ref. book: "Arctic Home of Aryans" by Prof. Lokmanya Tilak.]

6. Similar Tu whaaT haez been sTeTed in Paaraagraf 5  ebove, da "Himaalaya Sarkil" Too gaoT koolar aon da Arth, aend Hyuman biing evolvD in da "Himaalayan Sarkil" Too [Ref. book "First Human born in Arctic & Himalayan Circles", by Dr Deo Dutta sharma.]

> KammenTs aar welkamD.


21sT. Sencuri Inglish 07.03.2021