Monday, March 23, 2020

Koronaa-VeezaaNu ke Rok-thaam [Prevension of COVID-19: Possibe]: InTarnesanal Bhojpuri: 23.03.2020 InBho: Sri: 14.01.9112

Koronaa-VeezaaNu ke Rok-thaam [Prevension of COVID-19: Possibe]:
InTarnesanal Bhojpuri: 23.03.2020
InBho: Sri: 14.01.9112 अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी 
खास बात Khaas Baat: Spesal Taak:
Bhojpuri '21sT Sencuri Inglish' [old English]:

** Koronaa VeezaaNu-19  keb Rokthaam Sambhav: 
Prevension of Koronaa Vaairas-19 izpossibla. 
[Prevension of Corona Virus, COVID-19 is possible]:

>> Koronaa VizaaNu-19 ke rok-thaam sambhav baa.
Privensan aof KoronaaVeezaaNu-19 iz paosibla.
[Prevension of Corona Virus-19 is Possibe. 

Sansaar: PeeRit 
WarlD: Saffaring 339 697, DeD 14 704, RikaovarD 99014.

Adhikatamam peeRit log /10 Laakh:  Janasankhyaa waalaa desh: SrI 13 > 14.01.9120 
Kantreez with maximam saffaring pipul / Milliom with Koronaa Vaairas-19: 22 > 23.03.2020 KE
1. Saan Maarino  [San Marino] 4450 > 5158
2. Foaaro dweep [Faoroe Is] 1883 > 2354
3. Himadesh [Iceland] 1386 > 1665
4. Andoraa [Andora] 1139 > 1462
5. Laxembarg [Laxembarg] 1070 > 1275
6. VaeTikan SiTi [Vatican City] - > 1248
7. ITali [Italy] 778 > 978
8. ITali [Italy] 778 > 978
9. LesTenTen 970> 970
10. SwiTzardesh [Switzerland] 660 > 864 
11. Spe~n [Spain] 533 > 615
12. Monaako [Monaco] 280 > 586
.13. Naorwe [Norway] 368 >  440
14. JibraalTar [Gibraltar] 297 > 445
15. Austriaa [Austria] 299 > 398
16. ST. Barth [St. Barth] 304 > 304
17. Jarmani [Germany] 246 > 297
18. Beljiam [Belgeum] 243 > 293
19. Iraan [Iran] 245 > 258
20. Estoniaa [Estonia] 231 > 246
21. Denmaark [Denmark] 229 > 241
22. Aayardesh [Ireland] 238 > 183 
...   ...   ...
Vishwa [World] 36.5 > 43.6
Maral Ansa DeD resio > - > 1.195

Sab se jaadaa Janasankhyaa waalaa 10 desh: PeeRit / Maral /Neeman 14.01.9120. 
Top 10 MosT populeTed desh: Saffaring / DeD / Acchaa 23.03.2020
Populesan M,  Sl. Sansaar WarlD   341 234 /14 746 /  99 028
1439, 1. Cin Caaina 81 093/3270/72703
1380, 2. Bhaarat Indiaa 425 /8/24
331, 3. SRA YSA 35 060 / 457/178
274, 4. Indonesiaa 514/48/29
221, 5. Paakistaan 803/6/13
213, 6. Braazil 1546/25/2
206, 7.Naajeriyaa Naaijeriaa 30/0/2
165, 8. Banglaadesh 27/2/3
146, 9. Rus Rassiaa 438 / 1/16
129, 10. Mexkiko 316/2/4
11. Jaapaan 1101/41/235
4504, Sab leke ToTal 

SAARC desh [SAARC Countries] Saffaring / M :
Maaldivs [Maldieves] 24
Sri Lankaa [Sri lankaa] 4
BhuTaan [Bhutan] 3
Paakistaan [Pakistan] 2
Afghaanistaan  [Afghanistan]  1
Bhaarat [India] 0.2
Bangaadesh [Bangladesh] 0.1
Nepaal [Nepal] 0.03

Sansaar me` Sri: 14.01.9119 ke peeRit log: 283 730, aa Muale: 11 832.
 Saffarars in da WarlD aon 23.03.2020: 341 529, aend DeD: 14 748..

>>> Vaairas! Vaairas!! Vaairas!!!
Kaa kawano Vaairas ke upcaar MMS [Moderm Medical System] me` baa? Naa! 
Naa ta~ Sardee [flu, Common Cold], 
7 Maataa, Cecak [verieties of pox], caahe
 HIV ke` > Alabattaa Paach, Teekaa se Kodawaa aa ChoTi-Maataa naa hokhe [However, Measles, Smal Pox vaxins work to prevent them]
>>> Baaakir  EMS: "Eclectic Medical System-D" se 
1. Sardee/Flu / [common cold] VeezaaNu, 2-ghantaa me` Theek, 2-ghanTaa me` [Bio-chemic Combination No.6] dawaai leaa se EMS, Homoeopathy Dr ke anusaar.
Haauevar, with EMS: "Eclectic Medical System-D" 
1. Flu, Kaomman KolD Vaairas kyorD in 2 aawars, when Baao-Kemik Kambinesan [Bio-chemic Combination] No. 6 iz Teken within 2 Aawars unDar aen EMS Dr.
2. Kodawaa aa ChoTee Mataa ke roko baa, aa upcaaro baa, EMS me`, EMS Dr ke adheen. 
Meezls, Smaol Pox kaen bi prevenTeD aend kyorD anDar EMS Dr baai Baaao-Kemik Kambinesan No.14 anDar EMS Dr.
[Measles, Small Pox can be prevented and cured by Bio-chemic Combination N0.14, under EMS Dr]

3. HIV ke saath aadmi taa-jinadgi jee sakelaa EMS se. [HIV sufferer can lead normal life with EMS keyar.]
>>> Je Daral, uu mual. Tek keyar, No fiyar.
>>> Kaalhe se naa, aaje se  'Neem ke Pattaa' `,  cabaaee / caahe Guruc, Guruci, Giloya ke fresh ras peehee` khaali peTe, bhore bhore,
eh se kawano VeezaaNu, Vaairas deh me` lagabe naa kare, unkaa deh me` Awarodhak Xamataa / imyuniTi baD*awalaa ke calate. 
>>> Fraom TuDe iTself, sTaarT Teking 'neem' (Azadirachta indica) leevs empti sTomaek everi maorning, elsa Tek "Guruc, Guruci, Giloya" (Tinospora cordifolia) braanc, kaT 1" peeses, peel-aoff braaon skin yu wil see green skin, puT this in a kap 3/4th fillD with waaTar, kaovar iT ho~l naaiT, Drink da waaTar empti sTomaek aend ripeeT everi De Tu repell eni Vaairas. 

**Bhaarat: Indiaa: [India]: 
 India helplaain: 1123978046, 
  9 AM 23.03.2020:   ToTal DeD: 4 = 1 eec in Bihaar, KanaaTak, Dilli, Gujraat, Panjaab. aend 2 in Maharaastra
Saffaring: 415 inkluDing 41 Faorenars, 349 Indians: 23 kyorD.
Kerala 60 inkl 7 faoreners
Bihaar 9 > 2
Panjaab 6
MP 6
dilli 20 > 28 ink,. 1faorener
J&K 4
Ladaakh 13
rajasthaan 23 [2]> 27 inkl 2 F
UP 27 [1] > 28 inkl 1F
Maharastra 64 [3]
karnaatak 19
 TN 6 [3] > 7 ink.2 F
telangana 17 [2] > 26 inkl 11F
Haryanaa 17 [14] > 21 inkl 14F 
AP 5
HP 2
Guj 13 > 18
Uttaraakhand 3
Odi 3
WB 3  > 7
Chandi 8
Chhattisgarh 1>  5
MP 4

** Rus: Rassiaa: [Russia]:
* RT News ke sansaar me` log khoob caaw se paD*elan.
Pipul ReeD RT News with laoT of inTarest thruaauT da WarlD.

** Libiyaa: Libiaa: [Libya]:
tripoli AntarraasTreeya Hawaai ADDaa pa LNA aa GNA Valan ke beec Ghamaasaan faayaring bhail kaalhu.
FaaiTing agensT "GNA: tripoli Govt: planted by EU" sapporTeD baai YNO kanTinyuD baai Haftaar forses.

*** SRA Adhyaxeeya Cunaaw:  YSA PresiDensial Eleksan:
Kareeb 22.4 KaroR log Vo~T deehan Sri: 9120 me`. 
Pri-Praamari ke baad, ab Praaimari aa Kaukas calataa.
YSA PresiDensial Eleksan: EbaauT 224 M Votars will vo~T aon 03.11.2020. AafTar Praaimareez aend Kaukases will sTaarT.
(Bi habicual aof "21sT. Sencuri Inglish")
[USA Presidential Election: About 224M voters will vote on 03.11.2020.] 

[The 2020 National Convention of Democrats will be held in 
13-16 July 2020 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Republicans will hold in Charlotte, N. Carolina between 24-27 August.]:  
* SRA ke raasTraadhyax ke cunaaw khaatir ke khaRaa hotaa:
Ab ee ta saaf ho gail ki SRA me` Aawe waalaa 4 Barisan le kavano Mahilaa raazTraadhyax naa ho sakihe`.
Hu aar ranning faor da PresiDenT aof YSA in 2020: 
[Who are running for the President of USA in 2020]: 
DemokraeTik PresiDensial kanTenDars: aafTar 24.2.2020:
PresiDensial KaenDiDeTs KwaalifaaeD faor nexT manth DemokraeTik Deebe~T: (u r reading "21sT. Sencuri 'Inglish'"):
Diu Tu Koronaa-Vaairas Lousiaanaa DemokraeTik Praaimareez posTponD.
Caeliforniyaa Praathamiki ke baad: Aaftar da Praaimari aof Kaeliforniaa:
1. Josef r Baaiden Jr [Josef R. Biden Jr] Vo~T %. DeligeTs: 887
2. Barni Saendars [Bernie Sanders] Vo~T %. DeligeTs: 731

ToTal DeligeTs: 3979. Winnar Tu geT: 1991 DeligeTs.

Ripablikans: [Republicons]: 
KoloraaDo Adhyaxeeya Praathamiki ke baad ke haal: 
STaeTas aafTar KoloraaDo PresiDensial Praaimareez
1. InkambenT PresiDenT DonaalD J Tramp [Donald j. Trump]: 92.6%
2.Bill Weld 3.4%
.Khaali Donaald Trampe logan ke neeman laagataaran. 
Onli  Donaald Tramp is da coaaes ao da pipul. 

** Tripoli: 'tripoli': [Tripoli]: 
* Mitigaa Hawaai-ADDaa ke caaro o~r faayaring se uu`haa` ke logan ke bhaage ka paRataa.
Diu Tu hevi faayaring eraaunD MiTgaa EyarporT, pipul aar fleeing fraom deyar.
** Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa.
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: 
InBho: "Intarnetional Bhojpuri"  requests Governments of all the countries to recognize 
"Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.]
InBho: "AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri" 5m Baris: sins: 19.07.2015 KE > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.
Aaj 9119 me` Bhojpuri, Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.
InBho, "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.
TuDe in 2020: ovar 200 M pipul auf ovar 50 kanTriz speek Bhojpuri. InBho warks with da E~m auf da "InTarnesanal Bhojpuri eSkool".  (in "21sT. Sencuri 'Inglish'")
[Now in old English:
Today in 2020: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri.
InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool" and requests the Governments of these countries to recognise "Bhojpuri Language".]

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:

Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit: 12.7.9119.

Aul raaiTs rizarvD with da Pablishar: [All rights reserved with the Publisher]: 11.10.2019.

अउरु Auru baa kanTiniuD [continued]
23.03.2020 InBho इन-भो


Sunday, March 22, 2020

KoronaaVeezaaNu-19: [COVID-19: Ney! Happy Long Life]: AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool 20.03.2020 CE सृ . 11.01.1 972 949 120

KoronaaVeezaaNu-19: [COVID-19: Ney! Happy Long Life]: 
AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool 
 20.03.2020 CE सृ . 11.01.1 972 949 120 शुक
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल 
> Sthaapanaa ke 8m Baris, Suruaat 23 Asin SrisTyaabda 1 972 949 112.
       > 10.2012 AD, 8th Yiar aof EsTaablishment.

खास बात Khaas Baat: Spesal Taok: [Special Talk]: 
Aaj  se अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल 3 Tho khaas visay pa baat kare ke caahataa je me` dugo ke sambandh samoocaa sansaar se baa, aa ego ke khaas ka ke Bhaarat se' baa.
Fraom TuDe 'AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" laaiks Tu Taak aon da 3 impaorTenT maeTTars, aauT aof whic 2 aar rileTeD with da WarlD aend 1 with Indiaa.
[From today 'AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' likes to talk on the 3 important matters, out of which 2 are releted with the word and 1 with India.]

1. KoronaaVeezaaNu-19: [COVID-19] >  Sansaar me` dukh ke kaaran banal baa aaj-kal. 
Koronaa Vaairas-19, KOVID-19: Haez bikam da kaoz aof exTreem saorro aof da warlD >
[COVID-19: Has become the cause of extreem sorrow of the world.] > 

2. KoronaaVeezaaNu-19, Naa! Aanandamay deergha jeewan:
"Eclectic Medical System-D" >  Sansaar ke har Saasan ke jaane ke caahee`. 

COVID-19: Ne! Faor Haeppi & Enjoaayebla  Laong Laaif:
"Eclectic Medical System-D" > Aol da gavarnment aof da warlD Tu no. 

[COVID-19: Ney! For  Haeppy & enjoyabe Laong Laaif:
"Eclectic Medical System-D" > All the governments of the world to know. 

 3. Bhaarat me` Bidhaayikaa, Nyaayapaalikaa aa Kaaryapaalikaa ke gaDDam-gaDDa.
Mixing ap aof JuDeesiari, LejisleTiv aend ExekyuTiv in Indiaa.
[Mixing up Judiciary, Legisletive and Executive in India.]

1. KoronaaVeezaaNu-19: [COVID-19] >  Sansaar me` dukh ke kaaran banal baa aaj-kal. 
EMS ke anusaar KoronaaVeezaaNu-19:  ke roke-thaamha khaatir sartiyaa davaai baa Homoeopathy me` je 90 -95% kaargar holaa: 
"Arsenicum alb 30 potential"  ke baR logan ke 6 Tablet khaali peTe jeebh ke neece rakh ke coose ke caahee` din me` ek ber 3-dinan tak, je se 1 se 1.5 Maheenan tak ee Vaairas naa hoi. Jaroorat se 1.5 Maheenaa baad feru dawaa lel jaa sakelaa.
Je KoronaaVeezaaNu-19: se grasit ho gail hokhas, unkaro upcaar ehi davaa se ho sakel, baakir dawaa kawano EMS / Homoeopath Dr ke dekh-rekh me` lel jaroori baa.

KOVID-19 >  Naau a Dez iz a maeTTar aof greef thru-aauT da warld.
BaT dis problem kaen bi prevenTeD.
"Aen eDalT me Te~k "Arsenicum alb 30 potensy" 6 TableTs empTi sTomaek faor 3 Dez; da Tabs shuD bi kepT unDar da Tang aend cewD. Nothing shuD bi Teken 30 min bifor aend 30 min afTar Teking da TaebleTs.
da sem meDisin kaen bi Teken aez a kyureTiv van anDar da gaaiDens ao an EMS / Homoeopaty Dr.

[COVID-19 > Now a days is a matter of grief throught the world.
But this problem can be prevented and cured.
"An edult may take "Arsenicum alb 30 potensy" 6 tabets empty stomack (half an hour before and half an hour after taking the medicine nothing be taken) for 3 days; as preventive medicine for COVID-19. 
The same medicine is curative also, bat it must be taken as recommended by an EMS ("Ecectic Medical System-D) or a Homoeopathic Dr.]

KoronaaVeezaaNu-19, Naa! Aanandamay deergha jeewan:
COVID-19: Ne! Haeppi & enjoaayebla Laong Laaif:
[COVID-19: Ney! Happy & enjoyable Long Life]: 

2. KoronaaVeezaaNu-19, Naa! Aanandamay deergha jeewan:
"Eclectic Medical System-D" >  Sansaar ke har Saasan ke jaane ke caahee`. jaaee` pa 
COVID-19: Ne! Haeppi Laong Laaif:
"Eclectic Medical System-D" > Aol da gavarnment aof da warlD Tu no. GoTu
["Eclectic Medical System-D" > All the governments of the world to know. COVID-19: Ney! Happy Long Life goto::]

3. Bhaarat me` Bidhaayikaa, Nyaayapaalikaa aa Kaaryapaalikaa ke gaDDam-gaDDa.
Mixing ap aof JuDeesiari, LejisleTiv aend ExekyuTiv in Indiaa.
[Mixing up Judiciary, Legisletive and Executive in India.]

>>> Bhaarat ke Samvidhaan me` surue se Bidhaayikaa, Nyaayapaalikaa aa Kaaryapaalikaa me` gaDDam-gaDDa baa. 
Kaado Ambedakar jee baRaa paD*al-likhal rahan, baakir laaagataa unkaa me` caahe ta durbhaawanaa naa ta soojha-boojh ke kamee. Unkaa me`soojhe boojh ke kamee laagataa hamani ke. GaDDam-gaDDa dekhee` kaisan baa:
1. Vidhaayikaa aa Kaaryapaalikaa me` GaDDam-gaDDa:
> Kaahe Pradhaan Mantri aa Mukhya Mantri aa Mantriyan  (rrp: Kaaryapaalikaa) ke MP / MLA hokhe ke caahee`?
> Uhe log apanaa hak me` kaanoon banaawas aa apane raaj karas, ehi khaatir nu.
>> LS ke MP loan ke aadhaar pa jadi PM banelaa, ta kaahe uhe PM, ohi MP logan ke Mantri banaawean: sab GaDDam-gaDDa    
Auru baa....

** KoronaaVeezaaNu-19: [COVID-19]:
KoronaaVeezaaNu-19: Je Cin ke Wuhaan Praant se suru bhail Navambar - Disambar 2019 me`, aaj Sansaar ke Mahaamaari ke roop me` WHO ke anusaar.
Aaj Sri 1  972 949 120 me` Vigyaan ke prabhaava se aadmi Canaramaa se ab Mangar Grah pa jaaye ke tayaari hotaa jekar shreya jaataa Sansaaar ke Vaigyaanikan ke. Jaanawaran ke Kalam [Cloning] banaa ke okar jeeyat - jaagat prateeroop  banaawal jaataa. Baakir ego baR baat baa:
Ego Koronaa VizaaNu -19 ke ta MMS: "MoDarna Medical System" [Medical Physician] maar naa sakalan ab le, naahi kawano dusar Vaairas ke khatam kare upacaar pataa kailan.
>>> Ekar khaas kaaran baa Sansaar ke Saasan sab ke ee maanal ki:
"Har Marja ke dawaa baa khaali MMS";
Jabki Homoeopathi, aa Baao-Kemik me` VeezaaNuan ke rok-thaamho kare ke upaaya baa, aa Upcaarobaa.
Ayurvedo me` VeezaaBuan [Virus] ke rok-thaamh kare ke akeka upaaya baaRe sa.
Sarkaaaran ke EMS pa naa khaali MMS pa vishwaas baa jahaa` paisaa looTaaval jaalaa. 
Eh vizaya pa Sansaar ke   har Saasan ke feru se so`ce ke caahee`.

** [The Oldest Calendar: Today is SrIsTyabda 1 972 949 120]: Rigveda.
'Sristyaabda': dis KaelenDar [Calendar] iz in yuz in aol Publikesans aof Rigveda, PresenTli meni Bhojpuri and Sanskrit pablikesans aar yuzing SrisTyaabda. Sam Britishars Du naoT reeD dem aend bikam exorbitenTli haeppi whaai seing daeT de haev faaunD da olDesT KaelenDar [Calendar] miarli 10 000 yr olD.
'Sristyaabda' in aebravieTeD maennar is yuzD TuDe baai meni pipul, in Deli Niuz Pepars laaik:
"Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam", "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri", "Bhojpuri Journal", "Earth Sanskriti" ... aend even in 
"21sT Sencuri Inglish".
Hu sez da "OlDesT CalenDar is miarly ~ 10000 yiar old"!!!  
[Who says the "Oldest Calendar is merely ~ 10000 yiar old?
They must read the above mension kooks / blogs.] 

* da YangesT Laenguej aof da WarlD: iz "Inglish" with 50 DisTingT leTTars.
Barth: 09.07.2018. 
Nambar aof Yuzars:  10000 esT.
Eriyaa: MosTli in Amerikaa, Eshiaa aend Yurop.
LiTarecar: Laaik "English".

Sansaar ke Naveenatam Bhaazaa : "Inglish", 50 khaas Axaran ke saath.
Janma Barth: 09.07.2018. 
Prayoga kare waalan ke sankhyaa: 10000 
Xetra: Adhikaansa Amerikaa, Esiaa aa Yurop
Saahitya: "English" jaisan.

** [Lord Ram’s Birth Year: Hardly a few only knows, is: Srishtyabda: 1 971 269 915, according to "the Oldest Calendar SrishTyabda" or 1 677 185 BCE; 
which Scientifically, Mathematically includes BCE ‘0’ = ‘0’ CE
= Sristyabda 1 972 947 100. ]

Shri Raama Janma Baris:
SrishTyaabda: 1 971 269 915, Veda ke anusaar. dekhee`: .

> Aaj ke Ishaai / 'Gregorian KalenDar 2020' aa 'SrizTyaabda 1 972 949 120' je cali,
okar toolanaa kaise kail jaai!!!  

** Shri Raamacandra ke Kaal, Itihaas: 
Taaim PerioD, HisTree aof LorD Raama: 
[Time Period, History of Lord Ram]: 
1. Bhaarateeya Shruti-Smriti ke anusaar Cakravarti Mahaaraaja Dashrath ke JyesTha putra 
Shri Raamacandra aaj se kareeb 17 Laakh Baris pahile bhail rahan 'tretaa-yug' me`. 

Shri Raamacandra ji ke Janam Baris ha
SrishTyaabda: 1 971 269 915, 
“Trilingual AnsikVeda” ke anusaar, je bhail: 
1 677 185 BCE. 

RaamaCandra ji ke Saryu me` Jalasamaadhi ke baad, Ayodhyaa ke Dher log haardik dukh se dukhi ho ke Ayodhyaa Nagar se vimukh ho gailan. Ee kawano aaj – kaalhu ke baat naa ha. Maryaadaa Puruzottam Raamcandra, ego adbhut puruz bhailan jinakaa ke log Viz0Iu Bhagawaan ke ‘dashaawataar’ me` kahelan:
(1) Matsyaawataar, SrizTyaabda 0 000 000 000 Prithvi pa pahila Jeevadhaari ke Awatara0Ia.  
(2) Koormaawataar
(3) Varaahaawataar
(4) Nrisinghaawataar
(5) Vaamanaawataar (Afrikaa aa Daxin Amerikaa me` khaas ka ke)
(6) Parasuraamaavataar SrizTyaabda 
         1 971 269 615, 
(7) Raamaawataar, SrizTyaabda 
1 971 269 915, 
(8) Kriznaawataar, SrizTyaabda 1 972 943 867, 
(9) Buddhaawataar, SrizTyaabda 1 972 946 537,
Aaj SrizTyaabda 1 972 949 120 ha => 2020 KE 
(10) Kalki Awataar. bhail naikhe abahee`. 
dt 01.01.2020 KE.

* "Bhojpuri Bhaashaa ke anek deshan me` Sthiti":
* Bhojpuri ke Pasaraaw Sansaar me`:
Aaj 'Bhojpuri Bhaasaa' karib 30 - 35 deshan me` tani mani bolal jaalaa, je Sansaar ke 4 se 5 Mahaadeshan me` pasaral baa.
Neece kuch deshan ke ego suci del jaataa jahawaa` Bhojpuri tani mani bolal jaalaa. Oh sab deshan se anurodh baa ki uu 'Bhojpuri Bhaasaa' ke maanyataa dee`, jadee aaj tak maanyataa naa milal hokhe.
Naau 'Bhojpuri Languej’ iz in liTTla biT yuz in ebaauT 30 - 35 kanTriz. Wi prezenT bilo a lisT aof kantriz whear Bhojpuri speeking iz popular: (da figars aar anaofficial, aend be~sD aon da raf esTime~T aof 8/2017CE, inDikeTiv onli. da kantreez aar rikwesTeD Tu akkorD rikognition Tu 'Bhojpuri Laenguej' in ke~s iT iz naoT Dan so faar.):
[Now 'Bhojpuri Language' is little bit in use in about 30 - 35 countries.
We present below a list of countries where Bhojpuri is popular to some extent: (The figures are unofficial, and based on the rough estimate of 8 /2017, and indicative only.) The countries are requested to accord recognition to 'Bhojpuri Language', in case it is not done so far.]:
Sl. Countries Recognition of bho   Rank  Region Since Total Population over World avg 2.6% M Bhojpuri Speakers estd. Approx % Bhojpuri Speakers % Bhojpuri Speakers > (from Bhojpuri Journal) 
1. India, No, 6, Asia since 1800 yr, 1239 (1), 184.6,    say 15%, 14.899 
2. Nepal, Recognised, 8, Asia since 1800 yr, 28.54 (2),  1.941     say7 %,    6.8009. 
3. Bangladesh  No, , Asia since ,   166.3 (3),  0.831 say 0.5% 0.4996    
4. Pakistan    No, , , 196.2 (6),      0.392    say 0.2% 0.1998<    5. Mauritius No, 7, Africa Since 300yr 1.322(10), 0.159 say 12% 12.0272    
6. Uganda      No, , , 35.9 (16),  0.036 say 0.1% 0.10027    
9. Trinidad Tob  Recognised, , Kaeribean, 300yr ,1.37           0.56 say 41%
10. Carrebean No, 3,, Carrebean 300yr 1.361(4)  0.476 say 35% 34.9742    
11. Surinam Recognised 5, Carribean since300 yr 0.573(11)  0.155 say27% 27.050    
12. Guyana Recognised, 2 , S. America since300yr 0.767(7)    0.345 say 45% 44.98    
13.  USA: No, , N. America 2014CE:  318.9(12) 0.096 * 0.0301    
14. Canada:  No, , N. America     4.8   0.008 0.00229    
15. UK:    No, ,   Europe     63.7 0.007 0.0109    
16. Netherland No, ,   Europe 16.9 (17)  0.034 say 0.2%  0.20118    
17. Germany No, ,  Europe 81 (21)   0.025 * 0.0309    
18. Russia  No, ,   Euresia 142.5 0.01 * 0.00702    
19. Malaysia    No, , , Asia 30.1(18)  0.031 say 0.1% 0.10299    20. 20. Indonesia  No, , Asia 253.6(13)  0.051 * 0.02011    
21. China    No, , Asia 1356(14)   0.04 * 0.00295    
22. Spain:    No, , Europe 47.7 (18)  0.03 say 0.1% 0.06289    23. Singapore No, , Asia 5.57    0.018 say 0.3 % 0.32316    
24. Philippines No,  , , Asia 107.7   0.015  * 0.0139    
25. Vietnam: No, , Asia 93.4    0.02 * 0.0214    
26. S. Africa No, , Africa    48.4 0.01 * 0.02066    
27. Saudi Arabia No. , Asia   27.8 (18) 0.03 say 0.1 %  0.107914    
28. Australia No. , Austrekia  22.8(14)  0.04 say 0.2%   0.175439    
29. Bulgaria No, ,Erope     6.92   0.001 * 0.01445   
30. UAE: No., 9, Asia 1000yr 8.7 (9) 0.25 say 3% 2.87356    
31. Jamaica: No,  , 2.93 0.008 say 0.3% 0.27304    
32. Saint Vincent &
    Granedines No, 4. ,       Carrebean 300 yr 0.103 (18) 0.03 say 29% 29.12621    
33. Fiji: Yes,    1. Austrelia 300 yr 0.893 (5) 0.4376 say49% 49.00336    
0. World  No. 10, 10,  , since  1800 yr 7357 190 say 2.6% 2.58257  
Uupar ke Suci ke Stambh 3 me` oh deshan ke dikhaawal baa, jekaraa khaatir Bhojpuri ke baRaa mahatva baa.
[According to the above list, the country with Maximum Stake are Ranked in Colmn No.3.]

Countri Bhojpuri 22.03.2020
Fiji: Bhojpury is recognised as official anguage as 'Fiji Hindi'

** Veda ke Ethiks:
“ ... 'Sarvezaam aadaram' VedaSiddhaanta:. 

Sanaatanaarya log kahelan,"Sab ke Aadara": 
Veda ke Siddhaant, je Sanaatanaarya log maanelan. 
'Respekt faor aoll': da DaokTrin aof Vedaaz, faolloD baai Sanaatanaaryaz.
'Sanaatanaarya' sab ceejan, sajeev aa nirjeev ke kalyaan caahelan. 
A 'Sanaatanaarya' looks gooD Tu aol biings, living aor nan-living.
 “AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool” ke Uddes:
Suruaat Sri: 23.07.9112 > 8m Baris calataa [Sins:10.2012 KE: Sins laasT 8 yrs]
AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho ke uddes:
‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho Sansaar ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya aa Sanskriti se prem karelan, aa eh sabhan ke auru jaadaa seekhe aa baD*aawe ke caahelan. 
Bhojpuri bhaasaa ke jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa, MeDiaa, Takniki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa, Kheti, Vyaapaar aa dusar dhandhaa me` “Sansaar me` leek se haT ke Gyaanvardhano kare ke uddes rakhelan binaa kawano jaati, relijan ke bhed bhaav ke, sab ke Kalyaan khaatir”.
'In 21sT Century English',  Inglish: E~m of InTarnesnal Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho:
‘InTarnesanal Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho iz a skool faor tho~s parsans hu lav Bhojpuri languej, literature and culture and wish Tu larn aend develop da se~m. da enhansmenT aof Saains, AarT, MeDiaa, Teknologi, MaenejmenT, Jarnalizm, Aegrikulcar, Bisiness aend adar Professans aolso, eming faor 
“Enhesing da naowlej widaauT sTiking Tu da  kanvensanal methodolojiz, faor da good aof aol: irrespektiv aof Traaibs, ethnisiTi, relijans, kanTri or plaeneT aof orijin". 
Hensforth me~nli 'Inglish', ripeeT 'Inglish' will bi yuzD hiar, inples aof da olD 'English'. 
[Henceforth mainly 'Inglish', will be used here, inplace of 'this old English'.]

Hamni ke "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri", InBho ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me` likh sakile.  
Wi me use aaidar Roman aor Devanaagari skripT faor raaiting 
"InTarrnesanal Bhojpuri", InBho.                                                        
 Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. 
Yo~r viuz aar welkam. Your views are welcome.
"AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke 'Uddes' khaatir Sri: 16.09.9115 ke PosT-o dekhee`.  
 Praacaarya: devadoot S. 
[For the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool', go also to the posts dated: 30.07.2014, 16.12.2015 AD and 12.10.2016.
 devadoot S. Principal, 'International Bhojpuri eSkool' 
Faor da E~m auf 'InTarnesanal Bhojpuri eSkool', go aulso Tu da posTs DaTD: 30.07.2014, 16.12.2015 KE and 12.10.2016.
 devadoot S. Prinsipal, 'InTarnesanal Bhojpuri eSkool' 
  ओरा गइल  Oraa gail. [TheEnd]
** DokTrin aof Vedaaz:  'Respekt faor aol, living & nan-living': 
folloD baai Sanaatanaaryaaz'.
'Sanaatanaary' log sab ceejan, sajeev aa nirjeev ke kalyaan caahelan. Veda ke Siddhaant ke anusaar.
[A 'Sanatanarya' looks good to all beings, living or non-living: Doctrine of Vedas]

Suruaat Sri: 23.07.9112 > 8m Baris suru [Sins:10.2012 AD: laasT 8 yr]

"AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool", InBho ke Laxya:
‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho Sansaar ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya aa Sanskriti se prem karelan, aa eh sabhan ke auru jaadaa seekhe aa baD*aawe ke caahelan. 
'Bhojpuri Bhaasaa' ke jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa, MeDiaa, Taknaki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa, Kheti, Vyaapaar aa dusar dhandhaa me` “Sansaar me` leek se haT ke Gyaanvardhano kare ke uddes rakhelan binaa kawano jaati, relijan ke bhed bhaav ke, sab ke Kalyaan khaatir”.
[Aim of International Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho:
‘International Bhojpuri eSkool’, InBho is a school for those persons who love 'Bhojpuri' language, literature and culture, and wish to learn and develop the same. The enhancement of Science, Art, Media, Technology, Management, Journalism, Agriculture, Business and other Professions also aiming for “Enhancing the knowledge without sticking to the conventional methodologies, for the good of all: irrespective of tribes, ethnicity, religions, country or planet of origin".]
Hamni ke "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri", InBho ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me` likh sakile.  
[We may use either Roman or Devanagari script for writing "International Bhojpuri", InBho.]                                                         
 Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. [Your views are welcome.]
"AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke 'Uddes' khaatir Sri: 16.09.9115 ke PosTo dekhee`.  
 Praacaarya: devadoot S. 
[For the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool' go also to the posts dated: 30.07.2014, 16.12.2015 AD and 12.10.2016.
 devadoot S. Principal, 'International Bhojpuri eSkool', 
  ओरा गइल Oraa gail. da enD [The End]
11.01.9120 Bhojpuri eSkool 20.03.2020
>> ग्लोबल भोजपुरी में Global Bhojpuri me`dinan ke naav:
एतवार  सोमार  मंगर   बुध   बियफे   शुक  शनीचर

Sunday, March 8, 2020

"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => 'Inglish' 08.03.2020

"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => 'Inglish'  
. [Modern English Rational & Scientific] 

* da YangesT Laenguej aof da WarlD: iz "Inglish" with 50 DisTingT leTTars.
Barth: 09.07.2018 KE, [Kaomman Eraa], jasT ovar 2 yr yang.   
Nambar aof Yuzars: 10000 esT.
Eriyaa: MosTli in Amerikaa, Eshiaa aend Yurop.
LiTarecar: Laaik "English".

Sansaar ke Naveenatam Bhaazaa : "Inglish", 50 khaas Axaran ke saath.
Janma Barth: 09.07.2018 KE, 2 Baris ke baalaa. 
Prayoga kare waalan ke sankhyaa: 10000 
Xetra: Adhikaansa Amerikaa, Esiaa aa Yurop
Saahitya: "English" jaisan.

[Chalange to Universities
In 2018 CE Chalange were thrown to many Universities to  father develop, edopta and promote 'Inglish'  for development aof da 500 / 600 yr old 'English' language.
So far nathing has been heard in this respect. 
They are once again requeated / callanged for the same.]
 TuDe da riprinT aof: 'MoDarn Inglish SaainTifik' with maainar moDifikesans aof:
25 Julaai 2018
'MoDarn 21sT Sencuri Inglish SaainTifik': => ‘Inglish’.

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:
"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.

"21sT Sencuri Inglish has 50 LeTTars": nik-nemD as 'Inglish' > LiTTl biT auf 'Sanskrit' aend ‘Saains’ 
=> ‘Inglish’
Bi haebeecual aof 'Inglish' = '21sT Sencuri Inglish' .

[Be habitual of '21st Century English' = 'Inglish', hence-forth, which is well read by Google, in place of 
15th-16th Century irrational, unscientific old 'English' 
Commonly used presently].
U~z Inglish in place of old English. 

Aol ‘Singlish’ posTeD hiar bifo~r Till TuDe bi reD aez ‘Inglish’. 

[English has 50 Letters: Yes, True, they are not named properly, neither are they used properly.
Since last 500 yr to 600 yr life of English, this remained so. 
No body worried. Linguists kept on teaching: 
“English has 26 letters". 
Students also followed the teachers and learn like a parrot: 
“English has 26 Letters.” 

However, look and count yourself how many letters / distingt symbles English has:
a b c d e  
f g h i j
 k l m n o
 p q r s t
 u v w x y 
> All these 26 Symbles are named, but not used properly, rationally, scientifically in 
'Old / Common English'. 
A B D E F 
G H I J K 
L M N P Q 
 X Y Z 
> These 23 symbles / letters are not even named properly, neither used properly, rationally, scientifically.

No teachers, no Professors, no linguists have tried to observe: 
“English has about 50 distinct Letters / Symbols, but only 26 of them are named, the rests are not even named and used properly, efficiently and scientifically.”  
Now you may look at the Modern 
“21st Century English” Scientific => Nick named as 'Inglish']:

MoDarn ‘21st Sencuri Inglish’ raesanal & SaainTifik:
MoDarn 21st Sencuri ‘Inglish’, raesanal  & SaainTifik haez 49 leTTars whic aar yuzD veri saainTifikalli, aez biing riTTen hiyar, whic neeD no avoiDebl ‘TraansliTaresan’, ["Transliteration"]. 

Du yu no, "Inglish haej 40 / 50 leTTars, aol aof whic aar utilaaizd proparli. raesanalli aend saanTifikalli in MoDarn “TwenTi FarsT Sencuri Inglish” / "21sT Sencuri Inglish" > 
"MoDarn Inglish”, raessanal aend saainTifik, aor simpli "Inglish" in shaorT, 
anlaaik da old "English' aor “Common English” in whic wards aar wriTTen irraesanalli and mosT an-saainTifikally, aez aull no.

*** Naau aez yu me bi noing, da moDarn “Inglish" iz baorn aon 09.07.2018 KE: "Kaomman Eraa" >
Fraom da wumb aof da Madar aof mosT laenguejez: ‘Sanskrit’, with da narsing aof 1600-1800 Yiar old 'Bhojpuri Language'. 

["Modern English" => 'Inglish' was born on 09.07.2018 CE with 49 - 50 Roman, Latin symbles, 
letters using, rassanaly and scientifically, from the womb of the Mother of most Languages: ‘Sanskrit’, with nurshing of 1600-1800 old 
"Bhojpuri Language'. ]

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:
"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.

 "21sT Sencuri Inglish" haeD challengeD to the Top Universities about an year ago,  and again to aept the "Challenge of Promoting: Inglish" to make "English" rassanal and scientific, so as to get rid of the avoidable learning by rot 1000s of 'spellings' and learning the avoidable 'Transliteration'.   

Hope the progressive rational Universities accept the Challenge. A quick confirmation is expected on the bhog.
21sT Sencuri Inglish 08.03.2020

Friday, March 6, 2020

[Chalange to Universities] "21sT Sencuri Inglish" => 'Inglish' 06.03.2020

[Chalange to Universities]
"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => 'Inglish'  
. [Modern English Rational & Scientific] 

* da YangesT Laenguej aof da WarlD: iz "Inglish" with 50 DisTingT leTTars.
Barth: 09.07.2018 KE, [Kaomman Eraa], jasT ovar 2 yr yang.   
Nambar aof Yuzars: 10000 esT.
Eriyaa: MosTli in Amerikaa, Eshiaa aend Yurop.
LiTarecar: Laaik "English".

Sansaar ke Naveenatam Bhaazaa : "Inglish", 50 khaas Axaran ke saath.
Janma Barth: 09.07.2018 KE, 2 Baris ke baalaa. 
Prayoga kare waalan ke sankhyaa: 10000 
Xetra: Adhikaansa Amerikaa, Esiaa aa Yurop
Saahitya: "English" jaisan.

[Chalange to Universities
In 2018 CE Chalange were thrown to many Universities to  father develop, edopta and promote 'Inglish'  for development aof da 500 / 600 yr old 'English' language.
So far nathing has been heard in this respect. 
They are once again requeated / callanged for the same.]
 TuDe da riprinT aof: 'MoDarn Inglish SaainTifik' with maainar moDifikesans aof:
25 Julaai 2018
'MoDarn 21sT Sencuri Inglish SaainTifik': => ‘Inglish’.

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:
"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.

"21sT Sencuri Inglish has 50 LeTTars": nik-nemD as 'Inglish' > LiTTl biT auf 'Sanskrit' aend ‘Saains’ 
=> ‘Inglish’
Bi haebeecual aof 'Inglish' = '21sT Sencuri Inglish' .

[Be habitual of '21st Century English' = 'Inglish', hence-forth, which is well read by Google, in place of 
15th-16th Century irrational, unscientific old 'English' 
Commonly used presently].
U~z Inglish in place of old English. 

Aol ‘Singlish’ posTeD hiar bifo~r Till TuDe bi reD aez ‘Inglish’. 

[English has 50 Letters: Yes, True, they are not named properly, neither are they used properly.
Since last 500 yr to 600 yr life of English, this remained so. 
No body worried. Linguists kept on teaching: 
“English has 26 letters". 
Students also followed the teachers and learn like a parrot: 
“English has 26 Letters.” 

However, look and count yourself how many letters / distingt symbles English has:
a b c d e  
f g h i j
 k l m n o
 p q r s t
 u v w x y 
> All these 26 Symbles are named, but not used properly, rationally, scientifically in 
'Old / Common English'. 
A B D E F 
G H I J K 
L M N P Q 
 X Y Z 
> These 23 symbles / letters are not even named properly, neither used properly, rationally, scientifically.

No teachers, no Professors, no linguists have tried to observe: 
“English has about 50 distinct Letters / Symbols, but only 26 of them are named, the rests are not even named and used properly, efficiently and scientifically.”  
Now you may look at the Modern 
“21st Century English” Scientific => Nick named as 'Inglish']:

MoDarn ‘21st Sencuri Inglish’ raesanal & SaainTifik:
MoDarn 21st Sencuri ‘Inglish’, raesanal  & SaainTifik haez 49 leTTars whic aar yuzD veri saainTifikalli, aez biing riTTen hiyar, whic neeD no avoiDebl ‘TraansliTaresan’, ["Transliteration"]. 

Du yu no, "Inglish haej 40 / 50 leTTars, aol aof whic aar utilaaizd proparli. raesanalli aend saanTifikalli in MoDarn “TwenTi FarsT Sencuri Inglish” / "21sT Sencuri Inglish" > 
"MoDarn Inglish”, raessanal aend saainTifik, aor simpli "Inglish" in shaorT, 
anlaaik da old "English' aor “Common English” in whic wards aar wriTTen irraesanalli and mosT an-saainTifikally, aez aull no.

*** Naau aez yu me bi noing, da moDarn “Inglish" iz baorn aon 09.07.2018 KE: "Kaomman Eraa" >
Fraom da wumb aof da Madar aof mosT laenguejez: ‘Sanskrit’, with da narsing aof 1600-1800 Yiar old 'Bhojpuri Language'. 

["Modern English" => 'Inglish' was born on 09.07.2018 CE with 49 - 50 Roman, Latin symbles, 
letters using, rassanaly and scientifically, from the womb of the Mother of most Languages: ‘Sanskrit’, with nurshing of 1600-1800 old 
"Bhojpuri Language'. ]

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:
"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.

 "21sT Sencuri Inglish" haeD challengeD to the Top Universities about an year ago,  and again to aept the "Challenge of Promoting: Inglish" to make "English" rassanal and scientific, so as to get rid of the avoidable learning by rot 1000s of 'spellings' and learning the avoidable 'Transliteration'.   

Hope the progressive rational Universities accept the Challenge. A quick confirmation is expected on the bhog.
21sT Sencuri Inglish 06.03.2020

Thursday, March 5, 2020

[Chalange to Universities] "21sT Sencuri Inglish" => 'Inglish' 05.03.2020 . [Modern English Rational & Scientific]

[Chalange to Universities]
"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => 'Inglish'  
. [Modern English Rational & Scientific] 

* da YangesT Laenguej aof da WarlD: iz "Inglish" with 50 DisTingT leTTars.
Barth: 09.07.2018 KE [Kaomman Eraa].  
Nambar aof Yuzars:  10000 esT.
Eriyaa: MosTli in Amerikaa, Eshiaa aend Yurop.
LiTarecar: Laaik "English".

Sansaar ke Naveenatam Bhaazaa : "Inglish", 50 khaas Axaran ke saath.
Janma Barth: 09.07.2018 KE 
Prayoga kare waalan ke sankhyaa: 10000 
Xetra: Adhikaansa Amerikaa, Esiaa aa Yurop
Saahitya: "English" jaisan.

[Chalange to Universities
In 2018 CE Chalange were thrown to many Universities to  father develop, edopta and promote 'Inglish'  for development aof da 500 / 600 yr old 'English' language.
So far nathing has been heard in this respect. 
They are once again requeated / callanged for the same.]
 TuDe da riprinT aof: 'MoDarn Inglish SaainTifik' with maainar moDifikesans aof:
25 Julaai 2018
'MoDarn 21sT Sencuri Inglish SaainTifik': => ‘Inglish’.

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:
"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.

"21sT Sencuri Inglish has 50 LeTTars": nik-nemD as 'Inglish' > LiTTl biT auf 'Sanskrit' aend ‘Saains’ 
=> ‘Inglish’
Bi haebeecual aof 'Inglish' = '21sT Sencuri Inglish' .

[Be habitual of '21st Century English' = 'Inglish', hence-forth, which is well read by Google, in place of 
15th-16th Century irrational, unscientific old 'English' 
Commonly used presently].
U~z Inglish in place of old English. 

Aol ‘Singlish’ posTeD hiar bifo~r Till TuDe bi reD aez ‘Inglish’. 

[English has 50 Letters: Yes, True, they are not named properly, neither are they used properly.
Since last 500 yr to 600 yr life of English, this remained so. 
No body worried. Linguists kept on teaching: 
“English has 26 letters". 
Students also followed the teachers and learn like a parrot: 
“English has 26 Letters.” 

However, look and count yourself how many letters / distingt symbles English has:
a b c d e  
f g h i j
 k l m n o
 p q r s t
 u v w x y 
> All these 26 Symbles are named, but not used properly, rationally, scientifically in 
'Old / Common English'. 
A B D E F 
G H I J K 
L M N P Q 
 X Y Z 
> These 23 symbles / letters are not even named properly, neither used properly, rationally, scientifically.

No teachers, no Professors, no linguists have tried to observe: 
“English has about 50 distinct Letters / Symbols, but only 26 of them are named, the rests are not even named and used properly, efficiently and scientifically.”  
Now you may look at the Modern 
“21st Century English” Scientific => Nick named as 'Inglish']:

MoDarn ‘21st Sencuri Inglish’ raesanal & SaainTifik:
MoDarn 21st Sencuri ‘Inglish’, raesanal  & SaainTifik haez 49 leTTars whic aar yuzD veri saainTifikalli, aez biing riTTen hiyar, whic neeD no avoiDebl ‘TraansliTaresan’, ["Transliteration"]. 

Du yu no, "Inglish haej 40 / 50 leTTars, aol aof whic aar utilaaizd proparli. raesanalli aend saanTifikalli in MoDarn “TwenTi FarsT Sencuri Inglish” / "21sT Sencuri Inglish" > 
"MoDarn Inglish”, raessanal aend saainTifik, aor simpli "Inglish" in shaorT, 
anlaaik da old "English' aor “Common English” in whic wards aar wriTTen irraesanalli and mosT an-saainTifikally, aez aull no.

*** Naau aez yu me bi noing, da moDarn “Inglish" iz baorn aon 09.07.2018 KE: "Kaomman Eraa" >
Fraom da wumb aof da Madar aof mosT laenguejez: ‘Sanskrit’, with da narsing aof 1600-1800 Yiar old 'Bhojpuri Language'. 

["Modern English" => 'Inglish' was born on 09.07.2018 CE with 49 - 50 Roman, Latin symbles, 
letters using, rassanaly and scientifically, from the womb of the Mother of most Languages: ‘Sanskrit’, with nurshing of 1600-1800 old 
"Bhojpuri Language'. ]

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:
"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.

 "21sT Sencuri Inglish" haeD challengeD to the Top Universities about an year ago,  and again to aept the "Challenge of Promoting: Inglish" to make "English" rassanal and scientific, so as to get rid of the avoidable learning by rot 1000s of 'spellings' and learning the avoidable 'Transliteration'.   

Hope the progressive rational Universities accept the Challenge. A quick confirmation is expected on the bhog.
21sT Sencuri Inglish 05.03.2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020

[Chalange to Universities] "21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish 01 03.2020.

[Chalange to Universities]
"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish  
01 03.2020.
Modern English Rational & Scientific

 TuDe da riprinT aof: 'MoDarn Inglish SaainTifik' with maainar moDifikesans aof:
25 Julaai 2018
'MoDarn 21sT Sencuri Inglish SaainTifik': => ‘Inglish’.

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:
"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.

"21sT Sencuri Inglish has 50 LeTTars": nik-nemD as 'Inglish' > LiTTl biT auf 'Sanskrit' aend ‘Saains’
=> ‘Inglish’
Bi haebeecual aof 'Inglish' = '21sT Sencuri Inglish' .

[Be habitual of '21st Century English' = 'Inglish', hence-forth, which is well read by Google, in place of
15th-16th Century irrational, unscientific old 'English'
Commonly used presently].
U~z Inglish in place of old English.

Aol ‘Singlish’ posTeD hiar bifo~r Till TuDe bi reD aez ‘Inglish’.

[English has 50 Letters: Yes, True, they are not named properly, neither are they used properly.
Since last 500 yr to 600 yr life of English, this remained so.
No body worried. Linguists kept on teaching:
“English has 26 letters".
Students also followed the teachers and learn like a parrot:
“English has 26 Letters.”

However, look and count yourself how many letters / distingt symbles English has:
a b c d e 
f g h i j
 k l m n o
 p q r s t
 u v w x y
> All these 26 Symbles are named, but not used properly, rationally, scientifically in
'Old / Common English'.
 X Y Z
> These 23 symbles / letters are not even named properly, neither used properly, rationally, scientifically.

No teachers, no Professors, no linguists have tried to observe:
“English has about 50 distinct Letters / Symbols, but only 26 of them are named, the rests are not even named and used properly, efficiently and scientifically.” 
Now you may look at the Modern
“21st Century English” Scientific => Nick named as 'Inglish']:

MoDarn ‘21st Sencuri Inglish’ raesanal & SaainTifik:
MoDarn 21st Sencuri ‘Inglish’, raesanal  & SaainTifik haez 49 leTTars whic aar yuzD veri saainTifikalli, aez biing riTTen hiyar, whic neeD no avoiDebl ‘TraansliTaresan’, ["Transliteration"].

Du yu no, "Inglish haej 40 / 50 leTTars, aol aof whic aar utilaaizd proparli. raesanalli aend saanTifikalli in MoDarn “TwenTi FarsT Sencuri Inglish” / "21sT Sencuri Inglish" >
"MoDarn Inglish”, raessanal aend saainTifik, aor simpli "Inglish" in shaorT,
anlaaik da old "English' aor “Common English” in whic wards aar wriTTen irraesanalli and mosT an-saainTifikally, aez aull no.

*** Naau aez yu me bi noing, da moDarn “Inglish" iz baorn aon 09.07.2018 KE: "Kaomman Eraa" >
Fraom da wumb aof da Madar aof mosT laenguejez: ‘Sanskrit’, with da narsing aof 1600-1800 Yiar old 'Bhojpuri Language'.

["Modern English" => 'Inglish' was born on 09.07.2018 CE with 49 - 50 Roman, Latin symbles,
letters using, rassanaly and scientifically, from the womb of the Mother of most Languages: ‘Sanskrit’, with nurshing of 1600-1800 old
"Bhojpuri Language'. ]

[A Challenge To Top Universities by:
"21sT Sencuri Inglish" => Inglish.

 "21sT Sencuri Inglish" haeD challengeD to the Top Universities about an year ago,  and again to aept the "Challenge of Promoting: Inglish" to make "English" rassanal and scientific, so as to get rid of the avoidable learning by rot 1000s of 'spellings' and learning the avoidable 'Transliteration'.   

Hope the progressive rational Universities accept the Challenge. A quick confirmation is expected on the bhog.
21sT Sencuri Inglish 01.03.2020