Friday, December 20, 2019

Neming Sam ImpaotenT WarDs. “21sT Sencuri Inglish” 20.12.2019 'Inglish': raesnal & saainTifik. [In place of old 'English']

Neming Sam ImpaotenT WarDs.
“21sT Sencuri Inglish” 20.12.2019
'Inglish': raesnal & saainTifik.
 [In place of old 'English'.
Old English: irrational, spellings learning by rot, transliteration needed]

Neming Sam ImpaotenT Inglish WarDs: [Naming some Important words]:
[Wednesday, 19 July 2018
“21sT Sencuri Inglish”, the modern rational ‘English’, scientific was born on 09.07.2018 in the NCR Delhi from the womb of the mother of most languages ‘Sanskrit’ through ‘AntarraasTreey Global Bhojpuri eSkool’: 'अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल' in the 7th year of Establishment.
"Modern English rational & Scientific" => “21sT Sencuri Inglish” => Inglish.]

da e~m aof "21sT Sencuri Inglish":
"Enhensing da naolej widaauT sTikking Tu da kanvensanal methoDolaojiz, faor da gooD aof aol: irrespekTiv aof Traaibs, ethnisiTi, relijan, Kantri aor PlaaneT aof orijin.
[The aim of "21st Century Inglish":
“Enhancing the knowledge, without sticking to the conventional methodologies, for the good of all: irrespective of tribes, ethnicity, religions, country or planet of origin".] 

    Neming Sam ImpaorTenT WarDs: 
[Naming some Important Words]:

Look aeT da ne~ms aof da Week- Dez: [Look at the names of the week days]:
SanDe [Sunday] MonDe [Monday] TyusDe [Tuesday] 
WeDnes [Wednesday] tharsDe [Thursday] FraaiDe [Friday]     
SaeTarD [Saturday].

Naau look aeT da ne~s aof da Months:   [Now look at the names of the Months]:                             
Januari [January] Februari [February] Maarc [March]
April [April] Me [May] Juun [June]
Julaai [July]: Agast [August] SepTembar [September]
AkTubar [October] Navembar [November] disambar [December]

Ne~ms aend Simbls aof sam ElimenTs {‘tatva’ in Sanskrit} baorn aon da Arth “2 377 050 881 Yiar befo~r SrisTyaabda”: 
[Names and symbols of some Elements {‘tatva’ in Sanskrit} born on the Earth “2 377 050 881 Year before SrisTyaabda”]: 
1. H: HaaiDrojan Hydrogen, 2. He: Hiliyam Helium, 
3. Li: Lithiam Lithium, 4. Be: Bereeliam Berilium, 5. B: Boron Boron, 6. C: Kaarban Carbon,
7. N: NaaiTrojan Nitrogen, 8. S: Salfar Sulphur 9. F: Flaorin Flourine, 10. Ne: Niyon Neon
11. SoDiam Sodium 12. Mg: Maegneesiyam Magnisium 13. Al: Alyumiam Aluminium 
14. Si: Silikan, 15. Fosforas Phosphorus 16. S: Salfar Sulphur . 17. Cl: Klorin Chlorine 18. Ar: Aargon Argon

19. PoTaasiam Potasium 20. Kaelsiam Calsium 21. Sc: 22. Ti: 23. V: 24. Cr: Kromiam Chromium
25. Mn: Maenganeez Mangneze 26. Fe: Aayran Iron 27: Co: KobaalT Cobalt  28: Ni: Nikel Nickel  
29. Cu: Kaopar Copper  30: Zn: Zink Zinc 31. Ga:  Gaeliam Galium 32. Ge: Garmeeniam Germenium 33. As: Aarsenik Arsenic 34. Se: Selenium Selenium  35. Br: Bromin Bromine  36. Kr: KripTan Kripton .... Xe: ... Rn: ...

Look aeT da ne~ms aof PlaanTs baorn in Sri: SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 119 yiar ego fraom naau:, in shaorT Sri: 9119 yr ego: [Look at the names of Plants born in
Sri: Sristyabda: 1 972 949 119 year ago. in short Sri: 9119.]:   
Vaairas {Jeevaardha in Sanskrit} Sri: SrisTyaabda: 0.
[Virus: 1 972 942 019 BCE]

fungas {AcaraJeevaaNu in Sanskrit} fungus Sri: 
BaekTeriyaa {CaraJeevaaNu in Sanskrit} Bacterea. Sri: 

graas [grass]  InsekT [Insect] SrI: 
shrab [shrub]  Matyaavataar fish [Fish] Sri:
kreepar [creaper] TorToaaez [Tortise] Sri: 
Tree [Tree] KaeTls [Cattlse] Sri: 
Peepal, BaT Tree Nrisinghaavataar [Primitive man]  sri:

 Yor viuz aar welkom [Your views are welcome.]
   da EnD    [The End]
“21sT Sencuri Inglish” 20.12.2019